Saturday, July 25, 2015

Quotes by Elisabeth Elliot

The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian makes me a different kind of woman.  - Elisabeth Elliot

I realized that the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by His letting us have our way in the end, but by His making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly to pray what He taught His disciples to pray: Thy will be done.- Elisabeth Elliot

Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now. - Elisabeth Elliot

Where does your security lie? Is God your refuge, your hiding place, your stronghold, your shepherd, your counselor, your friend, your redeemer, your saviour, your guide? If He is, you don't need to search any further for security. - Elisabeth Elliot

One reason we are so harried and hurried is that we make yesterday and tomorrow our business, when all that legitimately concerns us is today. If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there. Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we must delete. There is always time to do the will of God. If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy. - Elisabeth Elliot

 But the question to precede all others, which finally determines the course of our lives is, 'What do I really want?' Was it to love what God commands, in the words of the collect, and to desire what He promises? Did I want what I wanted, or did I want what He wanted, no matter what it might cost?  - Elisabeth Elliot

God has promised to supply all our needs. What we don’t have now, we don’t need now. - Elisabeth Elliot

Don’t dig up in doubt what you have planted in faith. - Elisabeth Elliot

When ours are interrupted, his are not. His plans are proceeding exactly as scheduled, moving us always (including those minutes or hours or years which seem most useless or wasted or unendurable).- Elisabeth Elliot

Leave it all in the hands that were wounded for you. - Elisabeth Elliot

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Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Quotes by C.S. Lewis

"We are baptized into the death of Christ, and it is the remedy for the Fall. Death is, in fact, what some modern people call 'ambivalent.' It is Satan's great weapon and also God's great weapon: it is holy and unholy; our supreme disgrace and our only hope; the thing Christ came to conquer and the means by which He conquered." – C.S. Lewis


"If anyone would like to acquire humility. . .the first step is to realize that one is proud." – C.S. Lewis


"We may be content to remain what we call 'ordinary people': but He is determined to carry out a quite different plan. To shrink back from that plan is not humility: it is laziness and cowardice. To submit is not conceit or megalomania; it is obedience." – C.S. Lewis


God keeps no one waiting unless He sees that it is good for them to wait. – C.S. Lewis


"I find that when I think I am asking God to forgive me I am often in reality…asking Him not to forgive me but to excuse me. But there is all the difference in the world between forgiving and excusing. Forgiveness says 'Yes, you have done this thing, but I accept your apology...' But excusing says 'I see that you couldn't help it or didn't mean it; you weren't really to blame.' ...And if we forget this, we shall go away imagining that we have repented and been forgiven when all that has really happened is that we have satisfied ourselves with our own excuses. They may be very bad excuses; we are all too easily satisfied about ourselves."  – C.S. Lewis


"...the great thing to remember is that, though our feelings come and go, His love for us does not. It is not wearied by our sins, or our indifference; and, therefore, it is quite relentless in its determination that we shall be cured of those sins, at whatever cost to us, at whatever cost to Him." – C.S. Lewis


"[Christ] told us to be not only 'as harmless as doves,' but also 'as wise as serpents.' He wants a child's heart, but a grown-up's head. He wants us to be simple, single-minded, affectionate, and teachable, as good as children are; but He also wants every bit of intelligence we have to be alert at its job, and in first-class fighting trim." – C.S. Lewis


"The human spirit will not even begin to try to surrender self-will as long as all seems to be well with it.... But pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pain: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." – C.S. Lewis


"When you are not feeling particularly friendly…put on a friendly manner and behave as if you were a nicer person than you actually are." – C.S. Lewis

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Quotes by Chuck Swindoll

Don’t let your emotions dictate the direction of your life or your decisions. – Chuck Swindoll


Grace is God’s favor shown to those of us who don’t deserve it, who cannot earn it, and will never be able to repay it. – Chuck Swindoll


God doesn’t reprove us because He despises us. On the contrary! He loves us so much He cannot hold back from reproving us. – Chuck Swindoll


"When it comes to trials, we deposit ourselves into God's safekeeping until that deposit yields eternal dividends." - Chuck Swindoll.


Church assimilation means being absorbed in the function of the body of Christ and caring for others. – Chuck Swindoll


We need people to help us when we fall. Together we’re strong. Separate we’re doomed to fail. – Chuck Swindoll


Don’t think that all conflicts that arise harm the church. On occasion, they strengthen our fellowship. – Chuck Swindoll


One of the essentials a Christian must have to maintain vibrancy and effectiveness is hope. – Chuck Swindoll


A person with integrity doesn’t live a life free of sin. On the contrary, integrity admits it. – Chuck Swindoll


God has a plan for you. He will take the truth you’re learning and develop it in your life for His glory. – Chuck Swindoll


If you want to make the truth stick, you have to practice it. Put the truth into action. – Chuck Swindoll


Nothing physical satisfies the soul. Remember that. The soul belongs to God. He alone can gratify it. – Chuck Swindoll


We all need a companion or friend. Why? Mutual support helps us when we’re vulnerable. – Chuck Swindoll


Your daily attitude is more important than education, money, circumstances, failures, and successes. – Chuck Swindoll


With a sweater, you don’t notice the threads, only the sweater. In a way, that’s how Christians in church should be. – Chuck Swindoll


It grieves the Father when there is friction in the fellowship of a local church body. – Chuck Swindoll


If greed is the enemy of money and pride is the enemy of power, then speed is the enemy of depth. – Chuck Swindoll


When tempted to run ahead of God, imagine the worst-case scenario of a bad decision. – Chuck Swindoll

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Friday, October 03, 2014

Quotes by Dr. Ravi Zacharias

To sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge, which is tantamount to saying, "I have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge." – Ravi Zacharias
Without the will, marriage is a mockery; without emotion, it is a drudgery. You need both. – Ravi Zacharias – Ravi Zacharias

Chivalry in love has nothing to do with the sweetness of the appearance. It has everything to do with the tenderness of a heart determined to serve. – Ravi Zacharias
"In today's society, looking good and feeling good often trumps doing good and being good. And some people don't know the difference anymore." – Ravi Zacharias
Faith in the biblical sense is substantive, based on the knowledge that the One in whom that faith is placed has proven that He is worthy of that trust. In its essence, faith is a confidence in the person of Jesus Christ and in His power, so that even when His power does not serve my end, my confidence in Him remains because of who He is. – Ravi Zacharias
We have a right to believe whatever we want, but not everything we believe is right. – Ravi Zacharias


A man rejects God neither because of intellectual demands nor because of the scarcity of evidence. A man rejects God because of a moral resistance that refuses to admit his need for God. – Ravi Zacharias
Time isn't just a fleeting thing. It never moves forward without engraving its mark upon the heart—sometimes a stab, sometimes a tender touch, sometimes a vise grip of spikes, sometimes a mortal wound. But always an imprint. – Ravi Zacharias
I have always marveled that so many religions exact revenge against dissenters. It only weakens the appeal of their own faith and contradicts any claims they might have made that "all religions are basically the same." If all religions are indeed the same, why not let someone be "converted" to another religion? – Ravi Zacharias
 The Christian's faith isn't a leap into the dark. It is a well-placed trust in the Light of the world, Jesus. –Ravi Zacharias
We need clarity & conviction. In an age of increasing relativism & soft convictions, we must ask ourselves what we believe about the Gospel. – Ravi Zacharias
"The Gospel is a 'show and tell' faith. Love is our primary apologetic and must frame our way. Truth and love are not opponents but seamless partners in the Christian way of being." – Ravi Zacharias
Apologetics is the seasoning, the Gospel is the main course. You do not want too much of the seasoning or it will make the main course insipid. – Ravi Zacharias


Historic figures have homes to visit for posterity; the Lord of history left no home. Luminaries leave libraries and write their memoirs; He left one book, penned by ordinary people. Deliverers speak of winning through might and conquest; He spoke of a place in the heart. – Ravi Zacharias


You cannot enter the Kingdom of God by being moral. You first need a redeemer, and science cannot give you that answer. The answer is a Savior. – Ravi Zacharias

When truth is placed into a moral soil, it will sprout & bring forth the right kind of fruit. – Ravi Zacharias
Love is hard work. It is the hardest work I know of, work from which you are never entitled to take a vacation. – Ravi Zacharias
Who is God? God is your Holy Father.
Every time you get on your knees & pray to God, "Holy" keeps the respect & the reverence; "Father" brings Him close & intimate.
The Christian faith is the only faith that calls God our Father. – Ravi Zacharias


A calling owns you.  A calling is greater than you are.  And you will take on the challenge even with lesser pay." - Ravi Zacharias 


Keep doing what you’re doing; you never know who is reading what you write in the quietness of their heart. – Ravi Zacharias
There is an immense difference between a worldview that is not able to answer every question to complete satisfaction and one whose answers are consistently contradictory. There is an even greater difference between answers that contain paradoxes and those that are systemically irreconcilable.  - Ravi Zacharias


Once again, the Christian faith stands out as unique in this test, both as a system of thought and in the answers it gives. Christianity does not promise that you will have every question fully answered to your satisfaction before you die, but the answers it gives are consistently consistent. There may be paradoxes within Christian teaching and belief, but they are not irreconcilable. - Ravi Zacharias


“Let me write the songs of a nation, I don't care who writes its laws,” says Andrew Fletcher
Music is a language of the soul. Music brings emotion into reality.
Music is very seductive. It can make the means and end in itself. Don't let it become a God.
In forms we will differ and there maybe errors, but never corrupt the substance.
The substance that you sing about must always be pointing people to the truth that is greater than its instrument.
Our church needs balance - understanding music for the young and not forgetting memories for the elderly.
Bring together the kind of music that will connect the present to the future. – Ravi Zacharias


The grace of forgiveness, because God Himself has paid the price, is a Christian distinctive and stands splendidly against our hate-filled, unforgiving world. God's forgiveness gives us a fresh start. – Ravi Zacharias


Time isn't just a fleeting thing. It never moves forward without engraving its mark upon the heart—sometimes a stab, sometimes a tender touch, sometimes a vise grip of spikes, sometimes a mortal wound. But always an imprint. – Ravi Zacharias


A common objection to the existence of God goes something like this: "There cannot be a God, because there is too much evil in this world."
Here's the problem with that objection. When you say there's too much evil in this world you assume there's good. When you assume there's good, you assume there's such a thing as a moral law on the basis of which to differentiate between good and evil. But if you assume a moral law, you must posit a moral Law Giver, but that's Who you're trying to disprove and not prove. Because if there's no moral Law Giver, there's no moral law. If there's no moral law, there's no good. If there's no good, there's no evil. – Ravi Zacharias
The cross of Christ stands as a mystery because it is foreign to everything we exalt -- self over principle, power over meekness, the quick fix over the long haul, cover-up over confession, escapism over confrontation, comfort over sacrifice, feeling over commitment, legality over justice, the body over the spirit, anger over forgiveness, man over God. – Ravi Zacharias


Love is the supreme ethic. Where there is the possibility of love, there must be the reality of free will. Where there is the reality of free will, there will inevitably be the possibility of sin. Where there is sin, there is the need for a Savior. Where there is a Savior, there is the hope for redemption. – Ravi Zacharias

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